Some Updates to Links on YouTube
Hi everyone,
As our teams at YouTube continue to innovate throughout 2023 and beyond, nothing is more important than our responsibility to protect our community.
Since introducing Shorts two years ago, the volume and speed of content published on YouTube has increased in fun and exciting ways. At the same time, this speed and level of engagement has made it easier for spammers and scammers to share links in Shorts comments and Shorts descriptions that harm the community – for example, clickable links that drive users to malware, phishing, or scam-related content.
While we have existing systems and policies in place to detect and remove these kinds of links, we need to take additional preventative measures to make it harder to take advantage of users via links. Simultaneously, we’re continuing to work on tools and features to help creators more safely include links in their content – more on these updates below.
Certain links will no longer be clickable
Starting on August 10, 2023, clickable social media icons from all desktop channel banners will no longer show, as they can be a source of misleading links.
Starting on August 31st, 2023, links in Shorts comments, Shorts descriptions, and links in the vertical live feed will no longer be clickable - this change will roll out gradually. We don’t have any plans to make any other links unclickable. Because abuse tactics evolve quickly, we have to take preventative measures to make it harder for scammers and spammers to mislead or scam users via links.
New ways for creators to showcase important links
We know that links are an important way for creators to share information and recommend products/brands to their communities, so we’re actively working on safer ways for creators to include important links in their content.
- Prominent clickable links on channel pages: Beginning August 23rd, 2023, viewers on mobile and desktop will start seeing prominent clickable links on creators’ channel profiles near the ‘Subscribe’ button. Creators can use this space to share websites, social profiles, merch sites, and other links that comply with our Community Guidelines. Check out the graphic below to see what this update will look like and how to set/review channel links in Studio!

- Connecting Shorts & other types of YouTube content: We also know that clickable links help creators direct their Shorts audiences to other types of content, like their long-form videos. By the end of September, we’ll start introducing a safer way for creators to direct viewers from Shorts to their other YouTube content – stay tuned!

Reducing spam beyond links
We’ve also heard that spammy and scammy content and behavior (beyond misuse of links) negatively impacts the YouTube experience. Below are 2 issues that we know are top of mind for many creators and we've been actively working to address, while continuing to invest in better detection and removal of harmful content across YouTube as a whole.
- Reducing impersonation across YouTube: We've recently made substantial improvements to our policies and systems that help detect and remove impersonating channels, especially those that seek to impersonate popular creators, artists, and public figures. These updates have already rolled out and we’ll continue to make them even better over time. Comparing Q1 '22 to Q1 '23, we increased the number of channels removed/terminated from YouTube due to impersonation by over 35%.
- More powerful comment moderation tooling: We’ve continued to improve our ‘Increase Strictness’ feature, which detects and holds potentially spammy and inappropriate comments for optional review by creators. Since making these improvements, we saw a 200% increase in comments held for review through Increased Strictness, comparing the first week of June (after the improvements) with the first week of May (before the improvements).
These updates help reduce spam and other deceptive practices on YouTube, making it a safer platform for everyone. Stay tuned for more related news from us!
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Last edited Aug 10, 2023